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Getting Ready for the Time Change: Early Mornings are Coming!

Getting ready for the Time Change

Over the past few weeks, we've been hinting at the upcoming time change, and it seems we've sparked a bit of a frenzy. Based on this week’s “Ask Me Anything” on Instagram, many parents are starting to panic or wonder how to deal with rolling back the clocks one hour.

On November 3rd, 2024, at 2:00 a.m., our clocks go back 1 hour. Before kids, this was the BEST Sunday ever. But since this is a baby sleep newsletter, chances are, our kids aren’t getting the memo.

Here are a few tips on how to handle the upcoming time change and how to handle those early morning Wake ups.


Early Mornings are Coming

With the time change comes an unwelcome surprise: early morning wake-ups! Many parents find their little ones waking up before 5:00 a.m., and we know how challenging this can be. The most common causes? Putting your child to bed too early or unintentionally “rewarding” early wake-ups.


Our best advice is to resist putting your child to bed too early, even though they (and you!) might show signs of overtiredness. Stick with the new bedtime schedule. For the next two weeks, aim to keep bedtime no earlier than 7:00 p.m. (new time). This will help their bodies gradually adjust to the time change and shift their wake-up time later.

Unintentional Rewarding Behaviour

We’ve all been there – it’s tempting to meet early-morning demands in exchange for a bit more sleep. But for the next two weeks, try not to start your child’s day until 6:00 a.m. For older children, encourage them to stay in their rooms until then. By avoiding early-morning rewards, you remove the incentive for them to wake up too soon.

Use Natural Light to Your Advantage

Sunlight is one of the best tools for resetting our internal clocks. Open up the curtains during the day and encourage outdoor play when the weather allows. Exposure to natural light helps signal to your child's body that it’s time to be awake. This will support their adjustment to the new schedule.



There’s no right or wrong way to tackle the time change. As with everything sleep related, do whatever works for your family!


Good luck!

P.S We've compiled everything we know about Early Mornings into this guide!

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